Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair&what kind of b

like i said i have dark brownish black hair and i want to dye it reddish black are there any good brands of box hair dye i could get that you guys would reccomend? oh and just about two days ago i tried dying my hair with ganier reddish brown colour it kind a only worked on the roots but not much any where else. so is it okay to dye your hair in 4-5 days?

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

Herbal Essences. You have to wait atleast 2 months or your hair will be very damaged

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

Chestnut brown has no red in it. It is more like a medium natural brown. Maybe you should mix a dark brown with auburn or go to a hairdresser.

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

I would try going to a salon and having a professional dye your hair. Maybe the Garnier you tried didn't turn out well because you didn't let it turn out well. Just trust the professionals, and ask for a tip or two, and next time try it yourself, but with your mom, older sister, or anyone mature enough to help you.

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

i would say that you would have to bleach it first, as dark brown/black cannot go to a lighter colour without the help of bleach.

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

Don't dye your hair too often (like every couple of months) You should wait atleast 6 months cuz if you dye your hair too much it really damages your hair. It'll be quite brittle and eventually more strands of hair will fall out daily, especially in the shower.

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?



I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

Check the Salon! They probably have Tons of the thing you are looking for!

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

you'll have to use a peroxide as a base and then use the chestnut over the top of that, the only problem with that is when you regrowth starts to come through, your colour is gonna fade and make the peroxide stand out more.

Maybe try a different salon?????

I want to dye my hair chestnut brown which is reddish brown but i have black hair%26amp;what kind of brand is good?

You do have to use a permanent (not semi-permanent) color to go to a lighter shade. Since you already colored a few days ago you should wait awhile unless you want your hair to look and feel like straw. Since your hair is so dark to begin with you will need to pick a lighter color than what you are actually going for. The picture on the back of the box that shows what you end up with based on what your starting color is, is a good indicator. Your best best is to go to a salon, and if you don't get what you asked for don't be afraid to speak up. You are paying for a service and they actually want to know if you are not satisfied so they have a chance to fix it and therefore keep your future business.

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