Monday, May 7, 2012

Will Head & Shoulders help remove black hair dye?

I've been dying my hair with semi-permanent black dye since last December. Before that it was a permanent dark reddy-purple colour. Last time I got my hair dyed though, the hairdresser used permanent black dye instead of semi-permanent; which is a ***** to get rid of.

I want to fade the black dye out enough so that I can bleach it blonde in about three months.

I've head that Head %26amp; Shoulder's shampoo helps strip colour out of hair- which type is better? I.e. the type for dry hair or the type for greasy hair?

Also, does anyone know if the specially designed products that claim to strip colour from hair actually work? If so, how many treatments will I need to get rid of the black?

Thanks xXx

Will Head %26amp; Shoulders help remove black hair dye?

No, head and sholders will not remove black.....If your hairdresser did make a mistake, then she should correct it for free...... I wouldn't recomend stripping your color because you will make a mess of your hair and will end up paying a better hairdresser hundreds of dollars to correct it.

Will Head %26amp; Shoulders help remove black hair dye?

No head and shoulders will not work. If she made a mistake you should have had her correct it prior to leaving the salon. You can always dye over your current color no harm in that or you can have it professionally stripped

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