Saturday, May 5, 2012

Faded hair dye?

Hey guy's, I dyed my hair about a week ago with Loreal Feria's Deep burgundy brown right after i dyed it, It was a beautiful dark red. Well i have washed it 2 times since then and it has faded to a dark brown on the bottom and a light orangey red on top. So what do you guy's suggest should i dye it a brown if so what color? I really didn't want to try red agian cause it just seems to wash out of my hair quickly. Thanks in advance

Faded hair dye?

Red will always fade quickly, it has to do with the size of thee color molecules, they are much larger, therefore they do not stay in your hair as long as any other color. Brown would cover it just fine, just remember you cant go lighter since its permanent color. Box color really isnt that good anyway. It can contain metallic dyes which are very unpredictable and not good for your hair.

Faded hair dye?

I would suggest going to a professional to get your roots touched up again with the correct color to even it out. If you do it yourself it will only get worse.

Faded hair dye?

go to the salon i mean i know the extra $50 would make it look so much better cuz i mean i dyed my hair blonde with that stuff instead it turnd my hair like a white and i had to spend like $ 200 on hair reapir stuff

Faded hair dye?

Hello, I am a cosmetologist. Did you use a permanent or semi permanent hair color? Can you tell me what your natural hair color is and if it has ever been bleached or if any other chemical processing has been done so I can give you a better answer.

Faded hair dye?

hair color washes out...I pay 70 buck.s every 6 weeks to keep a, blond, brown or black...I am 50 with grey hair...******* with your hair before 30 is will never find your real hair color again!

Faded hair dye?

well I guess you should dye it again. Wash it with a color shampoo. I have blonde hair and I dyed it brown. I used Pantene Color Expressions to keep it shiney and not faded. Plus there are products out there that you can splay or rub through your hair that will help the color stay vibrant. I use the Smammy colorcare protecting Spray and it really works..

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