Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can i dye my hair if im allergic to PPD?

I am allergic to the chemical PPD in hair dyes, clothing dye, tattoos and most make up.

does anyone know of any hair dyes that i can use that wont burn my skin off?

i really want to dye my hair either black/ dark purple/ blonde or pink

i know i can use bleach but as my natural hair colour is dark brown if i dye my hair blonde i wont be able to dye it back if it goes wrong.


Can i dye my hair if im allergic to PPD?

as a hairdresser i would not advise you to do a full head dye what you could do instead is have loads of high/low lights put in using foils or a cap if you have short hair this way it gives you the dyed affect but keeps the dye from touching your skin some hair and beauty suppliers do hair dies which are herbal and made of natural ingredients if you have a rays in your area go there you are meant to have a member card to shop there but most of them will let you use the shop any way

Can i dye my hair if im allergic to PPD?

go to boots chemist and the hair care consultant will be able to advise you

Can i dye my hair if im allergic to PPD?

i wouldnt risk it if i were you. better going to your nearest hairdressers and ask them for some advise

Can i dye my hair if im allergic to PPD?

pdd? ppd? ppp?ddd? go too a chemist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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