Friday, March 30, 2012

Hair Dye Allergy Test Question?

I was planning to dye my hair a couple of months ago. I did the allergy test and waited 48 hours and then never colored my hair. Should I redo the test since it has been a few months? Also, at what temperature should you keep hair dye? Our house has been under construction and during the day the house is 96 degrees and at night the house is around 75 degrees. I've been keeping the hair dye in the closet so not sure if the temp has gone up and down with the hair dye in the box. Thanks!

Hair Dye Allergy Test Question?

Did you already mix the product? If so its not any good (oxidation). The heat shouldn't be a problem, and if it is the same color you tested with before you do not need to do it again, if you switch colors you might want to do another test, but chances are you will be fine if you were the first time! good luck and be careful.

Hair Dye Allergy Test Question?

yes redo the test i guess something went wrong. of you just didnt use enough to make any effect. do it again. hair dye doesnt really matter whaat temperature its at if its one of the mix in ones that wasnt already mixed in. but any sort of cosmetic product or hair product shouldnt be kept at like 100 degrees

good luck!

best answer me!

Hair Dye Allergy Test Question?

well I did the test once a couple years ago and then ever since I havent done it....but it says on the box how hot it can be stored....

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